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Cisco QSFP-H40G-AOC15M

40GBASE Active Optical Cable, 15m

Product images and accessories are provided by a content provider. Images may differ slightly from the original and are for illustrative purposes. Compatibility guarantee for accessories can not be guaranteed. The scope of delivery corresponds to the item description (if necessary identical item) Please note the product and condition description.

40GBASE Active Optical Cable, 15m
Anschluss: QSFP
Ausführung: original
Entwickelt für: Cisco Nexus 93108TC-EX, 93180YC-FX, 9336C-FX2, 9372PX-E
Farbe: Black
Kennzeichnung: UL, Laser Class 1, ELV, RoHS, IEC 60825-1, GR-20-CORE, ITU-T G.709
Leistungsmerkmale: Active cable (signal regeneration), latching connectors
Länge: 15 m
Max. Betriebstemperatur: 70 °C
Min Betriebstemperatur: 0 °C
Stecker (zweites Ende): QSFP
Technologie: Fibre optic
Typ des Netzwerkkabels: Network cable - SFF-8436
Quantity: 10 available For special requests or large quantities, please contact us.

Delivery time: ca. 5-10 days The stated delivery times apply to shipping within Germany. Information on deliveries to other countries can be found here.

Product number: 627111-160171
40GBASE Active Optical Cable, 15m
Anschluss: QSFP
Ausführung: original
Entwickelt für: Cisco Nexus 93108TC-EX, 93180YC-FX, 9336C-FX2, 9372PX-E
Farbe: Black
Kennzeichnung: UL, Laser Class 1, ELV, RoHS, IEC 60825-1, GR-20-CORE, ITU-T G.709
Leistungsmerkmale: Active cable (signal regeneration), latching connectors
Länge: 15 m
Max. Betriebstemperatur: 70 °C
Min Betriebstemperatur: 0 °C
Stecker (zweites Ende): QSFP
Technologie: Fibre optic
Typ des Netzwerkkabels: Network cable - SFF-8436

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