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Meraki MX68CW-HW-WW

Meraki MX68CW LTE and 802.11ac Router/Security Appliance - WW

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Meraki MX68CW LTE and 802.11ac Router/Security Appliance - WW
Anschlusstechnik: Wireless, wired
Anz. Anschlüsse: 10
Ausführung: original
Breite: 28.4 cm
Data Link Protocol: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11ac Wave 2
Datenübertragungsrate: 1.3 Gbps
Formfaktor: Desktop
Gerätetyp: Security appliance
Gewicht: 1.18 kg
Höhe: 2.7 cm
Important product information: UNCLAIMED Device without license. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Integrierte Peripheriegeräte: Modem
Lokalisierung: Worldwide
Netzwerk/Transportprotokoll: L2TP, IPSec, PPPoE, DHCP
Remoteverwaltungsprotokoll: HTTP
Routing Protocol: Static IP routing, MPLS
Tiefe: 17.8 cm
Product number: 763183-516205

Delivery time: ca. 5-10 days

Important product information UNCLAIMED Device without license. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Quantity: 2 available For special requests or large quantities, please contact us.

Delivery time: ca. 5-10 days The stated delivery times apply to shipping within Germany. Information on deliveries to other countries can be found here.

Product number: 506947-515117
Meraki MX68CW LTE and 802.11ac Router/Security Appliance - WW
Anschlusstechnik: Wireless, wired
Anz. Anschlüsse: 10
Ausführung: original
Breite: 28.4 cm
Data Link Protocol: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11ac Wave 2
Datenübertragungsrate: 1.3 Gbps
Formfaktor: Desktop
Gerätetyp: Security appliance
Gewicht: 1.18 kg
Höhe: 2.7 cm
Important product information: UNCLAIMED Device without license. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Integrierte Peripheriegeräte: Modem
Lokalisierung: Worldwide
Netzwerk/Transportprotokoll: L2TP, IPSec, PPPoE, DHCP
Remoteverwaltungsprotokoll: HTTP
Routing Protocol: Static IP routing, MPLS
Tiefe: 17.8 cm
Product number: 763183-516205

Delivery time: ca. 5-10 days


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